Monday, 11 June 2012

Fly Yoga and Rip:60

I saw this promo in a deal site about FLY yoga late last year. It was in FTX Gym in Tordesillas, about 15 minutes by foot from our office. I decided to try it out and hoped it can somehow fill my need for yoga.

Fly yoga is basically yoga with a hammock. So you'll be doing traditional yoga poses with a twist because of the hammock. There's the flying downard dog, flying shoulder stand, and lots of flying inversions. It was really a lot of fun. I did around 10 sessions of Fly until my discount vouchers expired. The regular price per session is at 900+ so it's really too expensive for me to continue with it.

Then there's Rip:60. Rip:60 is a kind of suspension training wherein you use your own body weight as resistance. No, it doesn't mean that you have to lift your entire body weight in the exercises. You can control the weight that you carry by angling your body in such a way that provides just the right amount of resistance. This is one of the killer workouts which actually works for me. I quickly gained muscle by practicing it 4-5 times a week. This got me closest to the abs goal. I was almost there... until I had to stop to make way for another workout which will definitely have me stoked for the rest of my life...

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